Category Archives: Beginner

What I love and what brings me here.

I love coffee. I love writing. I love to share my review of things; products, books, recipes etc.

I appreciate balance; equality.

Everything has a rhyme or reason. It is never for nothing.

I want to share my thoughts with you, perhaps over a cup or coffee, tea or whatever beverage behooves you.

I am a girlfriend and a mother of two little girls.I love all art. I see art in everything. Music, pictures, food, coffee etc. It always comes back to coffee. Have you ever slowly poured creamer into your coffee and watched the design that it makes. Or how beautiful a latte looks with swirls of sweetness drizzled over the swirl of whip cream and throughout?

I love funny. I crave suspense. I appreciate nature. I’m intrigued by different cultures and backgrounds. I enjoy the English language and how complex it is. I thrive on spontaneity.

My idea is to create a network of like-minded people and share thoughts, opinions and reviews or just to laugh hysterically about what ever it might be. I want not just a blog but to share a never-ending conversation with amazing people over thousands of cups of beautifully delicious coffee. It always comes back to coffee. Care to join me?

My name is Dahneshia pronounced: (Dah-Nee-Sha).